Consultancy Services

In addition to our flagship programmes, we offer a suite of consultancy services that help businesses develop, implement, report and monitor ESG strategies, CSR frameworks, and develop SDG-aligned Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) across various sectors.

ESG Strategy Development and Implementation

Our IICA-certified ESG professionals assist organisations in crafting and executing effective ESG strategies. We provide sector- specific guidance to help companies reduce their environmental footprint, adopt responsible governance practices, and enhance social impact, ensuring adherence to global sustainability benchmarks.

CSR Policy Creation, Execution and Reporting

Our IICA-certified CSR professionals help organisations develop impactful CSR policies that align with compliances, regulatory requirements and international standards. Our expertise ensures that CSR initiatives are not only compliant but also create positive, measurable outcomes for communities and the environment.

SDG Integration and Alignment

We assist companies in aligning their business goals with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By mapping corporate activities and setting targets linked to specific SDGs, we help businesses contribute to global sustainability efforts while achieving their own objectives.

KPI Development for ESG and SDGs

Our NAIL (National Association of Impact Leaders) certified consultants, work with organisations to create measurable KPIs that track their ESG and SDG progress. These KPIs offer companies a structured way to monitor their sustainability efforts, demonstrating their commitment to ethical and responsible business practices.

Training and Capacity Building

We provide comprehensive training programmes to equip leadership teams and employees with the knowledge and tools necessary for implementing ESG, CSR, and SDG practices. Our capacity-building sessions are designed to foster a sustainability-driven culture within organisations.

Stakeholder Engagement and Reporting

SAMVAW helps companies develop transparent and comprehensive ESG and CSR reports to effectively communicate their sustainability efforts to stakeholders, investors, and regulators. We ensure that reports meet both nationally and internationally recognised standards such as BRSR (Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting), GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) and SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board), CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project).

Empaneled Consultant